
32 weeks >> 7 months !!

I can't believe how soon our little baby will be coming home with us-- only 8 weeks left! We had a 30 week growth scan two weeks ago and everything was perfect. The cysts in her brain and the hyperechogenic bowel were both gone. We also found out at that time she weighed approximiatly 3 pounds 11 ounces. We are so happy to know our little one is completely healthy.

As for me work has been crazy and I have been traveling Monday through Friday but that will all end beginning of July at 36 weeks. I still feel really good although I begin to get tired around 5PM each day. I usually find if I can sneak in a nap and get 8 hours of rest I am pretty high in energy. I wear compression socks while in the procedure room because I do a lot of standing. Everyone has been very nice to me, offering me a seat and water. All the nurses like to tell me stories about their pregnancy and children, its a nice way to bond with them. I think my belly is actually helping my sales!

32 weeks! 

I can't believe how big my belly already is and I know she will double in size before she is born. I have been really lucky not to get a lot of the horrible pregnancy things (hemorrhoids, varicose veins, severe headaches, etc) but I have had terrible sciatic nerve pain in my back and then the dreaded line below>>
I put Palmers stretch mark cream on each night to hopefully avoid those ugly white/ purple lines (so far, so good) and the creame will also help my skin go back to normal color on the line portion after the baby is born.

Linea negra is getting longer and darker, ah. 

Funny story: at 25 weeks Rob and I went to the standard doctor oppointment. Here I was told I was "ahead of schedule" as far as my weight. I had already gained 25 pounds and was only suppose to gain 18. In a very serious voice the doctor started talking to me about my food choices and ways to modify my diet. He also told me I needed to start doing some form of exercise at least 3 days a week for 30 minutes. Rob was in the back of the room with an ear to ear smile and a "I told you so" look on his face. As funny as it was at the time it was a reality check for me; just because I am pregnant I can't pig out on anything I want. You all will be happy to know I took the doctors advice and six weeks later I am back on track!

Me taking a photo to prove to Rob I'm actually excercising while on a work trip. :)

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