

I haven't done a post to my new baby boy yet. Little baby we are already so in love with you! Rob could not be happier about having a boy. As soon as we found out it was a he, Rob put me on a strict eating and exercising plan and has already started choosing his future sports. We still haven't started thinking about a name but when we do, its going to be a secret between Rob and I until he is born. ;) No more outsider opinions this time around. 
I have been craving tomato, tomato sauce like crazy this time around. Also, sweets and indian food. I have been driving Rob nuts with the curry smell- man has a very sensitive nose.
This pregnancy has been even easier than the girls. I really am one lucky mama. People keep asking if we are crazy to have kids so close. Our two girls and these pregnancies have just been so easy. Fingers crossed this baby boy keeps our trend going strong. 

^^the big announcement! baby #3

Some photos at 22 weeks:

^^i love that both my girls are forcing themselves into the picture :)
^^she is non stop with the attention needing sometimes. case in point: sitting on my bump!

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